
We believe in being open and transparent in all areas of our work.

In line with the Government's commitment to freedom of information, we will publish requested data including information on spending, members and consultations according to our publication scheme. In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, we will also provide a record of decisions and access to documents.

Local Government Transparency Code

The Local Government Transparency Code 2014 was introduced to promote openness and accountability. We will provide the following information according to the code.

All the information included can be used and re-used under the terms of the Open Government Licence. As this is a new code and information is published periodically some may not be available but the table will be updated regularly.

Details of data required Information or link to data
Expenditure above £250
Each individual item of expenditure above £250 including individual invoices, grant payments, expense payments, payments for goods and services, grants, grant in aid, rent, credit notes over £250 and transactions from other public bodies (published at least quarterly)

Monthly spending page lists all spending above £250

Government procurement card transactions
Every transaction on a Government procurement card (published at  least quarterly)

Transactions data

Procurement information
All invitations to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £30,000 including VAT.

All contracts, commissioned activity purchase orders, framework agreements and standing orders with a value exceeding £6,000 including VAT (published at least quarterly)

Current invitations to tender

Purchase orders

Contract register (pdf)
Contract register (csv)

Standing orders relating to contracts

Procurement strategy

Land and buildings
Details of all the land and building assets we hold (published at least annually)

Asset information (csv)
Asset information (xls)

All grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (published at least annually)

No grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations provided

Organisation chart
Each member of staff in the top three levels of the organisation (published at least annually)

Organisation chart

Trade union facility time
Details of union representatives, basic estimate of spending on unions and names of trade unions represented in the Authority (published at least annually)

2022/2023 trade union facility time

Parking account
Income and expenditure on the Authority's parking account (published at least annually)

The Authority does not maintain car parking in a civil enforcement area

Parking spaces
Number of marked out controlled on and off street parking spaces or an estimate of the number of spaces where controlled parking space is not marked out in individual bays (published at least annually)

Seventeen off-street car parking spaces at Yare House head office, five of which are for visiting members of the public and 12 are for operational use. An estimate of unmarked parking at the dockyard to follow.

Senior salaries
Number of employees whose remuneration was at least £50,000 a year, in brackets of £5,000. Job title, list of responsibilities and remuneration details of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000 a year and employees whose salaries are £150,000 a year or more, identified by name

Bonuses and benefits in kind for all senior employees whose salary exceeds £50,000 a year

(all published at least annually)

Remuneration of senior employees is detailed in the organisation chart

Names and responsibilities can be found in details of senior roles

No employees receive bonuses or benefits in kind.

Pay multiple
Defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any benefits in kind) and the median earnings figure for the whole of the Authority's work force (published at least annually)

The ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings and the median figure for the Authority's workforce is 3.3:1


Payment performance statistics

We publish the following information on the payment of invoices within 30 days on an annual basis as follows:

Financial YearProportion of valid undisputed invoices paid within 30 days in accordance with regulation 113The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement in regulation 113The amount of interest whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers