
We value your views and carry out public consultation as part of our planning and decision making process.

On this page you can see information about our current and recent consultations.

If you wish receive updates on the Broads Plan and Local Plan please contact us to be added to our consultation database.

Current consultations

Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the Broads National Park

The Broads Authority seeks the views of members of the public (residents / visitors) businesses, charities, groups and other interested parties, as part of a consultation to develop a Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the Broads National Park.  

This initiative is funded by Active Travel England's National Parks Capability Fund. The objective of this consultation is to gather input from the community on potential improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure both to and within the Broads Authority Executive Area.

This consultation commences on 26 June and closes on 30th September 2024.

We encourage people to provide their feedback during this period. Your contributions are essential in identifying priority areas for infrastructure enhancements and will play a critical role in shaping the future of walking and cycling infrastructure in the Broads.

The Final Plan (LCWIP) will be delivered in March 2025. This plan will integrate with recently completed plans in Norfolk and Suffolk, emphasizing increased access to the landscapes of the Broads National Park.

For further information and to take part in the consultation, please visit this website:

For further information about this consultation, please contact:

Recent consultations

1: Geldeston and Gillingham Neighbourhood Area Application Consultation

In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), Geldeston Parish Council is making an application as the relevant body (Parish Council) on behalf of both Geldeston and Gillingham Parish Councils for the purposes of section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to designate a Neighbourhood Area. This is required in order for both Parish Councils to produce a joint Neighbourhood Plan.

As the proposed Neighbourhood Area covers two civil parish boundaries, South Norfolk Council and the Broads Authority are undertaking a period of consultation on the proposed Geldeston and Gillingham Neighbourhood Area. See the Public Notice (PDF).

The deadline for comments was 5pm on 29 May.

2: The Local Plan for the Broads – Preferred Options Consultation

The Broads Authority has started the review of the Local Plan for the Broads. This is the second round of consultation and is called the Preferred Options. This version of the Local Plan includes draft policies for comment. Most of the policies are already included in the currently adopted Local Plan, albeit with some amendments. Some policies are new. We also talk about potential alternative options to the policies that are drafted. Finally, there is a call for sites for gypsy and traveller sites, residential moorings and residential dwellings.

The deadline for comments was 4pm on 17 May 2024.

3: Validation Checklist

These are requirements that may be needed to validate a planning application and has been updated to reflect the need for Biodiversity Net Gain.

The deadline for comments was 4pm on 17 May 2024.

4: Draft Broads Recreation and Tourism Strategy 2024-29

This consultation was open to organisations, businesses and individuals with an interest in the impacts and benefits of the visitor economy in the Broads National Park.

A healthy and buoyant tourism sector is hugely important for this working landscape. In 2022 the area attracted 7.6 million visitors, contributing around £711 million to the local economy, supporting around 7,000 jobs. The strategy is intended to harness the opportunities that exist to maintain growth in a sustainable way.

The draft strategy has been prepared by the Broads Authority with valuable input from Visit the Broads, the main delivery partner of the strategy.

The deadline for responses was 5pm on Saturday 17 February 2024.