Budgets and financial planning

The Broads Authority receives its core funding from two sources:

  • National Park Grant from Defra in respect of its 'general' activities which include conservation, planning, recreation and tourism, information and interpretation
  • Tolls paid by users of the Broads in respect of its navigation activities.

This is supplemented by income from external grant aid, sales, fees and charges, and interest from investments.


Under the Broads Authority Act 2009, we are required to ensure that 'taking one financial year with another navigation expenditure is equal to navigation income'. We are also required to 'prepare a report as soon as reasonably possible after the end of each financial year describing the navigation income received by it and the navigation expenditure incurred by it in that year'. This information can be found in our Annual Accounts.

To see information on our spending We prepare an annual budget and a three year financial strategy. You can find out information on everything we spend over £250 in our monthly spending documents. There is also financial information available on our transparency page. We also produce a business plan.

Central and shared costs are apportioned between National Park and Navigation budgets following advice of a Member Working Group comprising the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and three other members of the Authority. The report of the Working Group was considered and adopted by the Broads Authority at its meeting on 24 June 2011.


Please see the financial strategy page for our most recent budget.