Bridge heights and openings

There are a number of historic bridges in The Broads which present a navigational challenge to yachts and larger vessels.

Somerleyton Swing Bridge

Yachts will typically need to lower their masts when navigating through most bridges in The Broads. There are also rail bridges at Somerleyton, Reedham, Trowse and Oulton Broad that have been constructed with swing mechanisms which are staffed and opened by Network Rail as required by individual vessels. Other types of bridges open by lifting mechanisms and these are at Breydon Water, Novi Sad, St Julian's and Carrow Road bridge in Norwich.

Please note that the Broads Authority does not operate the swing bridges or lifting bridges in the navigation area. However, for the three Norwich bridges an opening can be arranged through Broads Control on 01603 756056 providing at least 24 hours notice.

Although the rail swing bridges at Somerleyton and Reedham may be opened by Network Rail without a direct contact being made with the operator, individual vessels may use VHF channel 12 to request a specific opening where required. The bridges can be swung 24 hours a day.

Trowse bridge currently is currently experiencing mechanical problems requiring extra assistance to operate. Network Rail therefore require seven days’ notice to open the bridge. The opening times are 9.05 am on Sundays and any day between 02.00 am and 04.00 am. To arrange opening please call Network Rail on either 01603 675297 or 01603 763440. Any problems in arranging the opening of the bridge should be reported to the Broads Authority Monitoring Officer on 01603 756085 or to, who will be pleased to assist.

Bridge contact information

You can now contact the Network Rail swing bridge operators directly using the following details:

  • Trowse swing bridge: Tel 01603 675297 or 01603 763440 (seven days notice required for openings).
  • Oulton Broad swing bridge: Tel 0330 852 5351.
  • Reedham Swing Bridge: Tel 0330 858 4655.
  • Somerleyton Swing Bridge: Tel 0330 858 4656.

Contact to the Swing Bridge operators is also available on VHF Radio Channel 12.

For vessels entering the Broads from the sea, through Great Yarmouth, the information giving estimated bridge air draughts to Chart Datum is provided on the Peel Ports website. See section 4 of this downloadable Great Yarmouth Bridges document (PDF).

The values in the table of Section 4 of the linked document give the approximate clearances (in metres) at the height of tide indicated. Tide tables are available on the Peel Ports Great Yarmouth website (times and heights used by Peel Ports refer to the mouth of the River Yare).

Mutford Lock

Please note that Mutford Lock will be temporarily closed for maintenance works between Wednesday 12 February and Friday 28 March 2025. Entry to the Broads is possible via Great Yarmouth.

Mutford Lock, at the western end of Lake Lothing, allows craft visiting Lowestoft access to the Broads. Lowestoft Harbour bridge and the rail/road bridges at Oulton Broad must be passed before reaching the lock.

The lock is operated by Oulton Broad Yacht Station and passage can be organised by using VHF Channel 73, or phoning 01502 523408 (Yacht Station) or 01502 531778 (Lock).


  • April to October: 08:00 - 18:00, seven days per week but bank holidays are 24hr advance booking only.
  • November to March: 08.00 - 12.00, seven days per week but not available on bank holidays.

A charge of £17.00 per day is made per vessel for the use of the lock (which includes a return journey on the same day). This charge also covers visiting vessels for the use of Oulton Broad (only) on the day of entry and up to midnight on the day following. For longer stays or to cruise further into the system a Short Visit Toll remains payable.

Breydon Bridge

Breydon Bridge carries the A47 in Great Yarmouth across the River Yare close to Breydon Water. It is a single-span drawbridge with an opening span width of 23m.

Vessels will be grouped together on lifts whenever possible. When craft are to transit the bridge in opposite directions, those vessels going ‘with the tide’ will be given priority.

Lifts for weekends should be booked by 16:00 on Friday or on the previous working day in the case of Public Holidays.

To arrange passage phone the bookings line on 01493 651275, email or use call sign “Breydon Bridge” on VHF Channel 12.

The Bridge is only manned ten minutes before a lift and vessels waiting for a lift should seek advice from the Bridge Master if in any doubt.

Other Great Yarmouth Bridges

Haven Bridge

Haven Bridge is a double bascule lifting bridge located in Great Yarmouth, with an opening span width of 26.8m.

Vessels will be grouped together on lifts whenever possible. When craft are to transit the bridge in opposite directions, those vessels going ‘with the tide’ will be given priority.

Lifts for weekends should be booked by 16:00 on Friday or on the previous working day in the case of Public Holidays.

To arrange passage phone the bookings line on 01493 335522, email or use call sign “Haven Bridge” on VHF Channel 12.

The Bridge is only manned ten minutes before a lift and vessels waiting for a lift should seek advice from the Bridge Master if in any doubt.

Herring Bridge

Herring Bridge (also known as 'Third River Crossing') is a newly-built bascule bridge which crosses the River Yare in Great Yarmouth. It is outside of our executive area but large vessels wishing to visit the Broads from the sea will need to pass through it.

The location of Herring Bridge is between Breydon Water and the North Sea, near William Adams Way. It connects Harfrey’s Roundabout (A47) on the west side of the River Yare to the peninsula of Great Yarmouth on the east side, at South Denes Road (A1243).

For information on the bridge and arranging passage see the Norfolk County Council website.

List of bridges

Clearance measurements for bridges given are at Average High Water during summer. There will be greater clearance near Low Water, especially at Great Yarmouth and in the southern rivers. Barometric pressure, rainfall and wind conditions affect river levels so caution should be exercised and bridge gauge board carefully noted.

Bridge Clearance
Acle 3.66 12' 23.7 78'   Fixed road
Beccles Road Old* 1.98 6' 6" 12.6 41' 6"   Fixed road*
Beccles Bypass New 3.66 12' 28.9 95'   Fixed road
Breydon Fixed Span 3.96 13'    12 Fixed spans
Breydon Road Lifting 3.51 11' 6"    12 Lifting span
Haddiscoe New Cut 7.32 24' 12.1 40'   Fixed road
Norwich Jarrolds Bridge 3.63 11'11"     Fixed pedestrian
Norwich Lady Julian 3.96 13'     12 Carrow Swing pedestrian
Lowestoft Harbour  2.16 7'1"     14 Lifting road
Ludham 2.59 8' 6" 5.4 18'   Fixed road
Norwich Carrow 4.27 14' 12.5 30' 12 Lifting road
Norwich Foundry 3.05 10' 16.4 54'   Fixed road
Norwich Novi Sad 4.88 16' 16.5   12 Carrow Swing pedestrian
Norwich Trowse 2.74 9' 12.9 30' 12 Swing rail
Norwich Bishop's Bridge 3.2 10'6" 6.05 19'10"   Arch Fixed road
Postwick Viaduct 10.67 35'     Fixed road
Potter Heigham New 2.31 7'7" 22.4 73' 6"   Fixed road
Potter Heigham Old* 1.98 6'6"     Fixed road*
Oulton Broad, Lake Lothing 4.57  15'     Swing rail
Oulton Broad Mutford 2.39 7' 10" 6.4 21' 14, 73 Lifting road
Reedham 3.05 10' 16.6 54' 6" 12 Swing rail
St Olaves 2.44 8' 23.9 78' 6"   Fixed road
Somerleyton 2.59 8' 6" 16.4 54' 12 Swing rail
Thorpe Rail (each) 1.83 6'     Fixed rail
Wayford 2.13 7' 6.1 20'   Fixed road
Wroxham Rail 4.57 15' 14.3 47'   Fixed rail
Wroxham Road* 2.21 7 '3" 8 26'6"   Fixed road*
Yarmouth Haven 2.9 9' 6" 26.8 88' 12 Lifting road
Yarmouth Acle Road 2.13 7' 21.3 70'   Fixed road
Yarmouth Vauxhall 2.06 6' 9" 30.4 100'   Fixed foot

* Arched bridges

NB In all cases, tidal levels can vary considerably and so affect the above figures.

Bridge Pilots

Potter Heigham Bridge. Hire boats must use the bridge pilot.

At Potter Heigham hire boats must use the bridge pilot from Phoenix Fleet boatyard. Pilot service available 8.30am-6.00pm, depending on tide and weather conditions. Telephone 01692 670460.

Frequently asked questions

Will my boat pass through the bridge?

Passing under bridges can be dangerous if not done properly. Know the air draft of your boat (the height of your boat from the waterline to the highest part of the boat) and check the clearance available on the gauge board at each bridge every time you pass through. Tides and rainfall amounts can alter the level of the water and so the amount of clearance will also vary by several feet in some places.

What is a gauge board and how does it work?

bridge gauge board

Most bridges have a gauge board which give you the definite current clearance available (below you can see a picture of a gauge board). Where the water lines up with a measurement will give you the clearance currently available at any given time. e.g. in the picture the water lines up with 9'9" or 3m, and so this would be the clearance available. You still need to take account of other issues, including wind and waves as this can mean you boat rises and falls, so please allow more clearance in poor conditions.

You should also consider the shape of bridge (arch bridges can mean more clearance will be required for wider boats), the design of the boat and the experience of the person at the helm. Most bridges also have advance gauge boards in place so you can see the available clearance before reaching a bridge in order to plan your timings ahead of your arrival.

Who has right of way?

Vessels travelling against the current (into the flow) must give way and allow vessels travelling with the current (being pushed by the flow) to pass through the bridge first.

Flow of water under bridges

Be aware that bridges create a narrowing in the river and can cause the flow to increase in speed meaning you may feel like your boat has slowed, do not increase speed as this will lead to an increase in wash. Once through the bridge the flow will return to normal.

What about the people onboard?

The helm should ensure the boat and everyone onboard is prepared well in advance of reaching the bridge.  If required, windscreens should be lowered and anything that has been placed on top of the vessel removed.  Crew members must get to a lower part of the vessel and prepare to duck down if necessary. Life jackets should be worn by everyone out on deck.

How can I get a swing bridge to open?

A single red flag indicates the bridge is working and in service, two red flags indicate it is not working and it is not in service. In the photograph you can see Reedham Swing Bridge flying one red flag to show it is working and in service.

Reedham swing bridge

You will also need to take note of any bridge keeper’s signboards. The 'bridge will open' board relates only to the waiting time. This is a fixed sign and will not be withdrawn even when the bridge goes 'off service'.

The signal requiring the bridge to open is three prolonged blasts on the horn or whistle. Most bridges also monitor VHF Channel 12, but during urgent or emergency matters relating to the rail network, the radio will not be answered.

If you have any problems you can contact Broads Control on 01603 756056.

My boat might not clear the bridge if I don't lower my screen etc. but I'd rather leave the boat as it is. Will the bridge still open?

The bridge will only open for craft clearly unable to pass under.

What should I do whilst waiting for the bridge to open?

Power driven boats navigating against the current or tidal flow should ease speed or stop when approaching a bridge to allow boats navigating with the current or tidal flow to have right of way.

Whilst waiting for the bridge to open, keep well clear. Tides can run very strongly, especially at Reedham and Somerleyton.  Pontoons are available for boats waiting for bridges at upstream and downstream of Reedham and Somerleyton bridges. Please take note of the tidal flow direction when mooring on the pontoons and ensure you approach into the tide.

Do bridges have scheduled opening times?

Reedham and Somerleyton swing bridges have no scheduled times, but opening throughout the day is dependent on the train timetable. Trowse swing bridge requires advanced notice to open which can be arrange through Broads Control 01603 756056.

A train crossed over the bridge 10 minutes ago but the bridge has still not opened, why?

The bridge operator has to wait for a safety clearance signal from operators further down the line before opening the bridge.

Alternatively there may be another train due, or there may be an emergency which takes priority over opening the bridge.

When I see the bridge open should I hurry through?

No, you should never ‘race’ for a bridge. Please consider moored boats and monitor your boat wash and keep to the speed limits.