Other tolls

Other tolls, which are available for specific requirements, are listed below for 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.

  1. Passage Toll £18.79
    Passage toll is payable by a vessel making a single, one way journey through the Authority's navigation area from a starting point outside the navigation area to a finishing point also outside the navigation area. The journey must be completed within a single day. This allows vessels entering from Great Yarmouth or Lowestoft Harbours to make passage to a private dyke or mooring place outside the navigation area without payment of a Short Visit or Annual Toll.
  2. Race Craft Toll
    If no toll has been paid for your vessel and it will be used on waters within the navigation area for any organised race, regatta, competition or other event you must pay the Race Craft Toll. The Race Craft Toll is £7.70 per day, for a maximum of two consecutive days. If your vessel is to be used for longer periods, the Short Visit or Annual Toll must be paid.
  3. Motor Workboat Toll £139.06
    The Motor Work Boat Toll is payable by any vessel, including floating plant, which is:
    - used exclusively for the maintenance or dredging of the waterways,
    - or is used by bona fide boatyards for the towing or servicing of other vessels,
    - or is used by commercial fishermen for servicing or operating nets.
    Non-powered workboats/pontoons pay the toll for rowing craft.
  4. Trade Plate Toll £186.50
    Bona fide traders (boatyards, repairers, brokers etc) may, subject to certain conditions, apply for a Trade Plate Toll which is transferable between vessels and permits their use in connection with the trade. Further information is available from the Broads Authority Tolls Office.
  5. Outboard Motor Toll
    If you have paid tolls for three or more rowing or sailing craft of 5 metres or less in length and have one outboard motor that you exchange between them you can apply for the Special Outboard Motor Toll. This toll allows you to use the motor on each of the vessels as opposed to paying the motor craft toll on each one. The outboard motor and the craft must be registered in the same ownership. The Special Outboard Motor Toll is £124.58 (private) and £60.48 (private electric).
  6. Winter Lay-Up Toll
    The Winter Lay-up Toll covers any vessel brought into the Authority's navigation area and the permanent mooring of that vessel during any one continuous period between 25 September and 30 April of the following year. It covers the return of the vessel to a point outside the navigation area. You must specify the mooring location, in the Broads, in advance. If the vessel is used for navigation during the period, you must pay the balance of the Annual Toll. The Winter Lay-up Toll is equivalent to one third of the appropriate Annual Toll on the vessel.
  7. Paddle UK Members
    Membership of PaddleUK includes usage of the Broads navigation area, at no extra cost, provided that confirmation of membership is carried at all times.
  8. Broads Authority Paddling Scheme (BAPS) £113.38
    BAPS is a scheme for youth groups operating in the voluntary sector. To join, the group must be registered with the Council of Voluntary Youth Services or be a Scout or Guide Troop. Member groups can nominate up to 10 kayaks or canoes for use for a single payment. Further blocks of 10 can be purchased or additional individual craft added at £22.69 each.
  9. Broads Authority Sailing Scheme (BASS) £196.18
    BASS is a scheme for youth groups operating in the voluntary sector. To join, the group or organisation must be a Royal Yachting Association recognised Teaching Establishment, a school or registered with their Local Education Authority as a recognised Voluntary Youth Service such as a Scout or Guide troop. Member groups can nominate up to 10 sailing dinghies, of no more than 10 square metres in size, for a single membership fee. Further blocks of 10 can be purchased or additional individual craft added at £39.24 each.
  10. Broads Authority Rowing Scheme (BARS)
    For youth rowing boats operated by a British Rowing affiliated club. Member organisations can nominate up to 10 junior rowing craft, for the exclusive use by juniors, for a single payment of £113.38. Further blocks of 10 can be purchased or additional individual craft added at £22.69 each.
  11. Water ski permits £28.00
    There are designated areas on the Broads where water skiing is permitted. If you wish to water ski you must apply for a water ski permit. Please contact the Tolls Office for full details of the requirements and an application form.
  12. Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft Harbours
    Broads tolls do not include harbour dues payable by vessels entering the Broads via or using the waters of Great Yarmouth or Lowestoft Harbours.

    For information on these dues contact: Great Yarmouth Port Authority, tel 01493 335500 or Associated British Ports Lowestoft, tel 01502 572286.

    Vessels may enter the Broads via Mutford Lock, Lowestoft. A charge of £17.00 is made per vessel for the use of the lock. This charge also covers visiting vessels for the use of Oulton Broad (only) on the day of entry and up to midnight on the day following. Vessels seeking to pass through the lock must book: Oulton Broad Yacht Station 01502 574946 / 07572 039790, Lock Control 01502 531778 or obys@eastsuffolk.gov.uk

    Please note that Mutford Lock will be temporarily closed for maintenance works between Wednesday 12 February and Friday 28 March 2025. Entry to the Broads is possible via Great Yarmouth.

    Private boats which can show they have paid their annual Peel Ports Great Yarmouth dues will receive a discount of 50% on the appropriate Broads Toll, this is available against both the annual Broads toll and Broads short visit toll.

  13. Craft Registered between 1 January and 31 March
    New craft registered with the Authority, or craft being registered to a new owner and not previously licensed, on or after 1 January will receive a 50% discount on the appropriate annual toll up to 31 March.