Reporting an incident

We would like you to report any incident, accident or 'near miss' that you witness or are involved in while using our waters.

The information you give will help us to investigate the cause of the problem, minimise the risk of it happening again and where practical, remove potential hazards.

Incident reporting form

You can also use this form to report any incidence of vandalism or threatening behaviour but it should not be used as a replacement for reporting incidents to the police. By reporting an incident you could help save someone else from injury.

Please provide as much detail as you can, including information on any craft involved or people who could help us if we need to investigate further. We ask that you provide your name and contact details so that we can gather more information about the incident if necessary.

If you would like to speak to someone about the incident please contact the Safety Team at Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich (tel 01603 610734).

If you need to send us an image or video, please send these seperately via email to

If you are emailing us a high number of images/videos please note that our server may reject any over 20mb in size, so you may need to send more than one email.

Your details

Incident details

When did it happen? *

Who was involved?

Did anyone need hospital treatment?

Additional information

Were the police informed?

Privacy Notice

The information you give us, including any personal or sensitive information, will be held in our electronic database for up to 6 years and will be used by us to help us investigate the cause of incidents and for statistical analysis. It may also be used by partner organisations for statistical reporting of incidents at a national level. Before passing on any information to partner organisations, we will remove all personal identifiers.

You have a right to ask for a copy of your information (for which we may charge a small fee) and to correct any inaccuracies in your data.

If you give us information about another person, you confirm that the other person has appointed you to act on their behalf to the processing of their personal or sensitive data and to receive on their behalf any data protection notices. Please see more information on our privacy page.