Ecologist surveying for water voles

Environment standard operating procedures

The potential for negative environmental impact from the practical and engineering works we do needs to be carefully considered and managed.

Our operating procedures outline the likely impacts of each activity and how we minimise them. They are designed to guide both staff and contractors as to the most sensitive working practices, methods and timings to protect the environmental and ecological qualities of the Broads.

Please also read our guidance on Biosecurity Measures for Contractors on Broads Authority Sites (PDF) in conjunction with the below ESOPs.

Please note we are currently in the process of updating the below ESOPs so there may be some disparities between documents.

  1. Cutting Water Plants
  2. Biosecurity
  3. Bankside sediment disposal
  4. Tree and scrub clearance
  5. Dyke de-silting
  6. Bank maintenance - erosion protection
  7. Mudpumping
  8. Boat maintenance and operation
  9. Reed rond creation
  10. Water vole mitigation
  11. Reptile mitigation
  12. Otter mitigation for practical works
  13. Breeding bird mitigation
  14. Bat mitigation for tree removal works
  15. Herbicide application
  16. Floating pennywort eradication
  17. Himalayan balsam eradication
  18. Parrot's feather eradication
  19. Japanese knotweed control
  20. Ragwort control
  21. Australian swamp stonecrop control
  22. Giant hogweed control
  23. Installation or replacement of quay heading or piling
  24. Oil and fuel use
  25. Fen Mowing
  26. Reed rond disposal and reuse
  27. Riverside Tree & Scrub Removal
  28. Fen Harvester Cutting

This Tree and scrub management guidance is referred to in many of the above environment standard operating procedures.