Recreation and tourism

The Broads attracts more than 7 million visitors a year.

Cruising on the Broads © James Bass

Boating, cycling, canoeing, fishing, walking and wildlife-watching are just some of the ways visitors and those living here enjoy the area.

One of our three key purposes is to promote understanding and enjoyment of the Broads but we need to strike the right balance between this and conservation and navigation interests. Tourism brings more than £400 million into the local economy every year but it needs sensitive management to make sure the fragility of this special landscape isn't affected.

Broads Tourism

Sustainable tourism is responsible tourism. It takes into account the needs of the environment, the people who live here, Broads businesses and visitors, now and for the future.

We work very closely with Broads Tourism to allow everyone to enjoy the special qualities of the Broads without causing harm and while protecting it for generations to come.

Through this partnership we have produced our Recreation and Tourism Strategy (2024 - 2029). This strategy sits under the Broads Plan, the statutory management plan for the Broads.

It sets out objectives and priority actions for 2024-29, although some actions will extend beyond this period. The Broads Authority leads the development and review of the strategy, but its successful delivery requires cooperation and input from key partners and other stakeholders.