Have your say on future development in the Broads

The Broads Authority is inviting people to share their views on future development in the Broads.

The Authority is asking members of the public and everyone with an interest in the Broads, to give feedback on two consultations: the ‘Local Plan for the Broads’ and the ‘Draft Design Guide’. These consultations will help to shape new development in the Broads area at a very early stage.

In the Local Plan for the Broads, the Authority sets out policies that help determine the outcome of future planning applications. While this version of the Local Plan does not contain policies, we are asking people on their thoughts on issues such as housing, residential moorings, landscape, wildlife, design and navigation. We want to know what is important to them, how they want their area to develop and also, do they have any land they would like us to consider for allocation for development in the local plan (although there are no guarantees).

There is a call for sites for residential dwellings (Broads-wide), residential moorings (Broads-wide), residential caravans (Great Yarmouth Borough only), Gypsy and Traveller sites (Great Yarmouth Borough only) and local green space (Broads-wide).

The Local Plan is a statutory document that sets policies on a variety of topics to help determine planning applications.

The Design Guide will help anyone submitting planning applications for new development so they have a clearer idea at an early stage what is likely to be acceptable in the Broads. It should help to ensure that it relates well to its surroundings and enhances the Broads with development that is sustainable, increases biodiversity, improves accessibility and contributes to the local area.

An initial survey in spring asked people whether they felt the Broads had a special character and what they thought that might be. The results were used to inform the Draft Design Guide for the Broads, which the Authority now seeks responses to.

The Authority is holding a series of village hall events for people to come to talk to us about both the design guide and the local plan:

  • Monday 10 October, Brundall Memorial Hall (lounge) 4pm - 8pm.
  • Wednesday 2 November, Oulton Community Centre (small hall) 4pm - 8pm.
  • Saturday 12 November, Potter Heigham Village Hall, 10am - 1pm.

Broads Authority, Historic Environment Manager Kate Knights, said of the Design Guide consultation:

“We are seeking views from everyone in the Broads because we believe they should have an opportunity to shape their local environment.”  

“It’s clear that the built environment and its connection with the wider landscape is something that residents and visitors alike value about the Broads, and they believe, make it a really special place.

“We encourage everyone to have their say by looking at the consultation document on the Broads Authority website, or coming to an event and letting us know your views.”

Natalie Beal, Planning Policy Officer for the Broads Authority said of Local Plan consultation:

“This represents an early stage in producing a local plan. We welcome thoughts from anyone on the various issues we talk about. For example, how should the local plan respond to climate change? How should we protect and enhance biodiversity? 

“We are also asking for landowners to put forward appropriate sites for consideration for housing, residential moorings or gypsy and traveller sites. There are set criteria we will use to assess nominations and we will also get thoughts from our stakeholders.

Also, we are asking communities to put any space important to them forward to be considered as local green space. Again, there are criteria we will use before allocating such sites.”

People can get involved by reading the consultation documents on the Broads Authority website and emailing the Authority your comments (PlanningPolicy@broads-authority.gov.uk) or by attending any of the three drop-in events.

The responses will inform the final Design Guide and next version of the Local Plan, to ensure that it reflects the needs and requirements of the local community.

The Authority welcomes feedback at these events, where the design guide and local plan will be topics for discussion. At the end of the consultation, the Authority considers and responds to all public feedback, then if appropriate, incorporates it into future versions of the documents. As with any consultation or call for sites, the Authority will check, respond and assess as appropriate. While it may not agree with all comments or suggestions or sites put forward, it will set out reasoning why.

As a precaution against COVID-19, the Authority asks people to wear face coverings.

A further consultation period on the final draft documents will be taking place later in 2022 or early 2023.

The consultations are open now and run until 4pm on 9 December, 2022.

See the consultations page on our website for further details: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/how-we-work/transparency/consultations

Wednesday 5 October 2022