
Flood at St Olaves, December 2013
Almost all planning applications in the Broads will be subject to flood controls because of the increased risk in the area.
It is an issue which needs careful thought when considering any development whether a home extension or even just a change of use.
You are advised to contact us if you are considering development in the Broads.
In response to increasing numbers of floods, climate change and more chance of future flooding the Government takes the issue very seriously and technical guidance is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Almost all of the Broads is in a flood zone. You can find out exactly which zone your home or planned development is in by doing a postcode search on the right hand side of the Environment Agency's flood maps.
Our Development and Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides advice and guidance on appropriate development and design and management of flood risk in flood risk zones in the Broads.
Managing flooding
Sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) are the best way of avoiding and managing flooding. You can find out how sustainable drainage can be accommodated in a development on the Susdrain community website.