Planning Committee

The Broads Authority is the local planning authority for the protected area of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads.

Planning applications are considered by the Broads Authority's Planning Committee rather than committees of the district councils. The committee meets to consider and make decisions on planning applications, and to consider actions in enforcement cases. This committee is also involved in the development of planning policies for the Broads Authority.

Meetings are open to the public, and applicants and objectors to development proposals may speak to the committee. Please see Public Speaking at Planning Committee.

The Authority has a procedure for carrying out Planning Committee site visits in accordance with the Code of Practice for members of the Planning Committee and officers.  These visits are used as fact finding exercises to supplement officer reports and other information. No decisions or recommendations are made at these visits. The decision to hold one is at the Committee's Discretion.

Not all planning applications are brought before the committee as some are dealt with by officers under delegated powers.

A list of planning applications is published weekly on our Public Access planning site, which also allows you to search for details of planning applications.

Planning Committee Meeting dates:

Agendas, reports and minutes

Agendas and reports will be available on this site one week before the meeting.

Background papers

Some reports have background papers. You can arrange to see any background papers from Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 4.30pm. If you would like to arrange this please email via our contact form or call 01603 610734.

Committee members

You can find out more about Broads Authority, Risk, Audit & Governance, Navigation, Planning and Standards Committee members on our committee membership page while here are details of Broads Local Access Forum members.

Committee procedures

You can find documents relating to committee procedures, including the code of conduct for members and information about delegation of powers on our Constitutional documents page.

Asking questions

Our Asking questions at meetings page will tell you about arrangements for members of the public to speak at committee meetings.

Archive papers

The following years are available on line:

The only exceptions are those items which would infringe copyright or would not be dealt with in public for reasons of confidentiality.

For previous papers please email via our contact form.