Local Plan for the Broads - Review
The Local Plan guides development and land use in the special Broads environment.
Its purpose is to make sure any new development is of high quality and appropriately located in the unique Broads landscape.
Local Plan for the Broads – review
The Broads Authority are reviewing the Local Plan for the Broads. Whilst we do this, the policies in the current Local Plan for the Broads (see below) are still in place. As work progresses on the new Local Plan, this webpage will be updated.
The December 2023 NPPF says at paragraph 33: Policies in local plans and spatial development strategies should be reviewed to assess whether they need updating at least once every five years and should then be updated as necessary. A PAS template has been used to assess the current adopted 2019 Local Plan. The review concludes that the policies in the Local Plan are adequate and relevant and that the Local Plan is not being reviewed because there are issues with policies. The review can be found here: Five year review of 2019 Broads Local Plan (PDF).
Preferred Options Consultation (ended 17 May 2024)
The Broads Authority has started the review of the Local Plan for the Broads. This is the second round of consultation and is called the Preferred Options. This version of the Local Plan includes draft policies for comment. Most of the policies are already included in the currently adopted Local Plan, albeit with some amendments. Some policies are new. We also talk about potential alternative options to the policies that are drafted. Finally, there is a call for sites for gypsy and traveller sites, residential moorings and residential dwellings.
The documents and relevant links can be found below:
- PDF version of the Preferred Options Local Plan (PDF)
- Preferred options sustainability appraisal (PDF)
- Preferred options Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF)
- Call for sites form
- Interactive policies map
- Summary of the policies (PDF)
- Comments received (PDF)
The deadline for comments was 4pm on 17 May 2024.
Issues and Options consultation (ended 9 December 2022)
These were the documents out for consultation. A call for sites was also held for residential moorings, residential dwellings and in Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Gypsy and Traveller sites as well as residential caravans.
- PDF version of the Issues and Options Local Plan (PDF version)
- Sustainability Appraisal (SA) (PDF)
- SA Literature Review (PDF)
- SA Baseline (PDF)
- Habitats Regulation Assessment (PDF)
- Responses to the Issues and Options consultation
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report
- SA Scoping Report Appendix 2 - Literature Review
- SA Scoping Report Appendix 3a - Baseline Data
- SA Scoping Report Appendix 3b - Maps
- SA Scoping Report Appendix 3c - Norfolk Geodiversity Audit database for the Broads
- Read the comments received as part of the technical consultation on the SA Scoping Report.
Local Development Scheme
Evidence/supporting documents
- The Index of Multiple Deprivation Topic Paper (September 2021)
- Settlement Study (February 2022)
- Development Boundaries Topic Paper (updated August 2024)
- Norfolk Study Older Person Housing (March 2022)
- Gypsy and Traveller and Residential Caravans Need Assessment (Great Yarmouth Borough only) (June 2022)
- Housing needs assessment (June 2022)
- Residential Mooring needs assessment (August 2022)
- East Suffolk Cycling and Walking Strategy (November 2022)
- Local Green Space Assessment (June 2023)
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (September 2023)
- From HELAA to Local Plan (September 2023)
- Replacement Quay Heading Topic Paper (2023)
- Dark Skies Topic Paper (2023)
- Employment and Economy Topic Paper (January 2024)
- Local Infrastructure Study (Updated July 2024)
- Renewable Energy Topic Paper (February 2024)
- Technical Health and Wellbeing Paper (January 2024)
- An investigation into the technical issues related to ‘do float’ and ‘can float’ homes (May 2024)
- Energy Performance in Local Plans, Written Ministerial Statement and the Local Plan for the Broads (July 2024)
- Local Plan Sequential Test (July 2024)
- 'More than 10% Biodiversity Net Gain for the Local Plan for the Broads' Topic Paper (Updated February 2025)
- Great Yarmouth Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) Update (September 2024)
- Broads Authority Local Plan Viability Assessment Final Report (October 2024)
- Broads Authority Local Plan Viability Assessment Technical Appendices (October 2024)
- PM2.5 Topic Paper (November 2024)
- Development Boundary Topic Paper (December 2024)
- Broads Authority GTAA Review (December 2024)
- Peat topic paper (February 2025)