Supporting documents and evidence
A range of supporting documents and evidence inform and supplement the Local Plan for the Broads.
East Suffolk Affordable Healthy Environments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
This SPD elaborates and helps deliver the open space policies in the Waveney Local Plan. It is of relevance to the Broads because the Broads Authority has regard to/defers to the policies of our districts.
The SPD was endorsed by Broads Authority on 26 July 2024.
The SPD can be found on the East Suffolk Council website.
Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document
The Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is a joint document prepared with Great Yarmouth Borough Council, North Norfolk District Council, East Suffolk District Council, the Broads Authority, and Coastal Partnership East. The Coastal Adaptation SPD is an example of cross boundary working to support the common goal of coastal adaptation. On adoption, the Coastal Adaptation SPD will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
You can download and read the SPD (PDF) or browse an online version here.
A summary of the main issues raised can be found below as well as how the issues were addressed in the final supplementary planning document.
The Adoption Statement can be found in the link below.
Planning in Health
The Planning in Health Protocol (hereafter the Protocol) presents a process describing how relevant NHS organisations, Norfolk & Suffolk County Council Public Health and the Norfolk and East Suffolk Local Planning Authorities jointly consult to ensure that health considerations are adequately accounted for in plan making and in planning applications and their subsequent developments.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by Great Yarmouth Borough Council on 07 February 2023 and endorsed by the Broads Authority on 12 May 2023. It provides detailed advice for how new residential development should meet public open space requirements. The guidance includes when and how on-site and off-site provision will be required, and how much it will cost.
The SPD can be found on the Great Yarmouth Borough Council website.
East Suffolk Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
This SPD elaborates and helps deliver the affordable housing policies in the Waveney Local Plan. It is of relevance to the Broads because the Broads Authority has regard to/defers to the policies of our districts.
The SPD was endorsed by Broads Authority on 29 July 2022.
The SPD can be found on the East Suffolk Council website.
Statement of Community Involvement
This Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is the Broads Authority’s formal policy to:
a) Identify how and when local communities and stakeholders will be involved in the preparation of the Local Plan for the Broads. The Planning Policy Officer is responsible for the production of the Local Plan;
b) Set out community involvement in the consideration of planning applications. The Development Management Officers are responsible for determining planning applications, and the Planning Administration Team is responsible for the receipt and processing of applications and fees; and
c) Explain how the public can inform the review of the Broads Plan (the strategic management plan for the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads). The Management Team is responsible for the Broads Plan.
Read the most recent version of the SCI, adopted August 2024.
Joint Position Statements
The Authority has produced joint position statements on some particular matters. These joint position statements are as follows:
- Knackers Wood Water Recycling Centre, Horning
This has been produced and signed by the Environment Agency, Broads Authority and North Norfolk District Council.
This statement has been prepared to support Local Planning Authorities in their decision making on development in Horning, North Norfolk. To ensure that there is no increased risk to water quality, there must be no increase in nutrient loading from the Horning WRC above that assessed by the Environment Agency under the ‘Review of Consents’ project which concluded in 2007. Any development that could increase foul water flows to the WRC could increase the loading from the Centre.
Read the Knackers Wood Water Recycling Centre, Horning Joint Position Statement. Please note that the original JPS has been updated (August 2023). There is also a Statement of Fact.
- Flood risk/Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
This has been produced and endorsed by the Environment Agency and the Broads Authority.
Much of the Broads Authority Executive Area will not be able to have flood risk modelled until around 2021. This Position Statement provides detail on this. This joint position statement was agreed in September 2020 and replaces the July 2018 version.
Strategic Flood Risk Assessments (SFRA)
Strategic Flood Risk Assessments (SFRA) aims to facilitate this process by identifying the spatial variation in flood risk across an area. This allows an area-wide comparison of future development sites with respect to flood risk considerations. This information is used as the basis for assessing which flood zone development is likely to be sited within. Four SFRAs cover the Broads and they can be found on the SFRA webpage.
Design guides
We have produced some design guides to help ensure that development in the executive area is appropriate and acknowledges these special qualities. The guides have been subject to consultation with the public prior to being adopted by the Authority.
Development and Flood Risk
Most of the Broads area consists of low lying land within the flood plain and the risk of flooding is a major issue. Planning policy and guidance on development and flood risk in the Broads is guided by national planning policy and by a local Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.
The Broads Authority Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted on 22 May 2020 by Full Authority after the consultation period in September 2019 and then in January/February/March 2020.
In 2022, the Government updated the NPPG in relation to flood risk. We assessed the changes and the addendum sets out how we will consider the amended NPPG and the adopted Flood Risk SPD. This addendum was endorsed by Broads Authority Planning Committee on 14 October 2022.
The SPD refers to a Flood Risk Assessment Tick Sheet to assist applicants in producing a flood risk assessment for minor developments and guidance for producing a Flood Response Plan to help set out what to do during a flood.
- Appendix F - Flood Risk Assessment Tick Sheet (Microsoft Word)
- Appendix D - Flood Risk Response Plan Guidance and Structure
A summary of the main issues raised can be found below as well as how the issues were addressed in the final supplementary planning document.
The Adoption Statement can be found in the link below.
Annual Monitoring Reports
Annual Monitoring Reports (AMRs) provide an assessment of the previous year's progress in preparing and implementing the Local Development Framework for the Broads.
Please note that there is an erratum that relates to the AMRs for 2017/18 and 2016/17 and in particular, relates to numbers on the self-build register.
- Annual Monitoring Report 2023/24
- Annual Monitoring Report 2022/23
- Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22
- Annual Monitoring Report 2020/21
- Annual Monitoring Report 2019/20
Please contact the planning team if you require AMRs from years before 2019.
Five Year Land Supply
The purpose of the 5-year housing land supply is to indicate whether sufficient sites are available to meet the housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies for the next 5 years.
Local Development Scheme
We are in the process of reviewing the adopted policies and looking into issues which could be addressed through planning policy. The Local Development Scheme sets out the timeline for this work.
Landscape Character
The Landscape Character Assessment and Landscape Sensitivity Study have been developed to aid decision-making that could affect the condition of the Broads or its visual quality. They aim to promote management that seeks to conserve and enhance the area's natural beauty.
Evidence base and reports
Visit our evidence base webpage to see the reports that informed and support the Local Plan for the Broads.