Appendix 14: Monitoring and Implementation Framework

Policy number

Delivery mechanism


Organisations involved

Monitoring indicator

PODM1: Major Development in the Broads

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Numerous and varied, depending on particular consideration.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

PODM2: Embodied Carbon

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Scheme promoters.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POSP1: Climate Change

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Scheme promoters.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

PODM3: Climate change adaption and resilience checklist

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Scheme promoters.

Development proposals that have adequately completed the checklist.

PODM4: Water Quality and Foul Drainage

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Applications involving sewage treatment works and what type of system used.

PODM5: Boat wash down facilities

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Sailing clubs, rowing clubs, boat yards.

Boat wash down areas and filtration devices delivered as a result of relevant planning applications.

PODM6: Water Efficiency

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Anglian Water

Dwellings permitted at 110 l/h/d.
Schemes incorporating greywater recycling/rainwater harvesting.

Non-resi schemes with water efficient measures.

POSP2: Strategic Flood Risk Policy

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing


Permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency Flood Risk advice.

PODM7: Development and Flood Risk

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


PODM8: Surface water run-off

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

EA, LLFA, Anglian Water

SuDS delivered in line with the hierarchy.

PODM9: Open Space on land, play, sports fields and allotments

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

District Councils, Parish Councils

Open space lost.
Open space delivered in line with the policy.

PODM10: Green Infrastructure

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

District Councils, County Councils, Parish Councils, Conservation and Access bodies.

Green Infrastructure lost.
Green Infrastructure delivered in line with this policy.

POSP3: Soils

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

EA, Natural England.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Number of planning approvals leading to permanent loss of ‘best and most versatile’ (BMV) agricultural land’

PODM11: Peat soils

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Historic England, Archaeological organisations.

Development on areas of peat permitted in line with this policy.

POSP4: Historic Environment

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Historic England, Archaeological organisations.

Heritage at risk
Archaeological field evaluations
‘Unknown’ assets identified.
Applications with an interpretation element.
Heritage assets re-used.
Applications granted contrary to Historic Environment Manager advice.

PODM12: Heritage Assets

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

PODM13: Re-use of Historic Buildings

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

POSP5: Biodiversity

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Natural England, Suffolk and Norfolk Wildlife Trust, RSPB.

Brownfield sites with open mosaic habitat of intrinsic biodiversity value and how incorporated in schemes.
Biodiversity and geodiversity features incorporated into schemes.
Planning Application Habitat Regulation Assessments completed to an acceptable quality (endorsed by Natural England and/or Broads Authority ecologist.
Applications permitted against the advice of Natural England.

PODM14: Natural Environment

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

PODM15: Biodiversity Net Gain

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Habitat banks.

BNG secured.

PODM16: Mitigating Recreational Impacts

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Mitigation secured.

PODM17: Mitigating Nutrient Enrichment Impacts

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Norfolk Environment Credits.

Other mitigation organisations.

Mitigation secured.

PODM18: Energy demand and performance

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, scheme promoters, EA.

Relevant schemes meeting 10% of predicted energy requirements as per the hierarchy.

PODM19: Renewable Energy

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Renewable energy operators

Renewable energy development type and scale

POSP6: landscape Character

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, scheme promoters.

Applications permitted contrary to Landscape Architect advice.

PODM20: Development and Landscape

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, scheme promoters.

Applications permitted contrary to Landscape Architect advice.

PODM21 Land Raising

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, scheme promoters, EA

Applications permitted contrary to Landscape Architect advice.
Applications permitted contrary to Tree Officer advice.

PODM22: Excavated material

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, scheme promoters, EA

Planning applications in accordance with the disposal hierarchy.

PODM23: Utilities Infrastructure Development

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Utility and telecommunications companies. Landowners.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

Policy PODM24: Trees, woodlands, hedges, scrub and shrubs and development

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Scheme promoters.

Applications permitted against the advice of the Broads Authority’s Tree Officer.

Replacement trees provided in line with policy.

PODM25: Protection and enhancement of settlement fringe landscape character

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, scheme promoters.

Applications permitted contrary to Landscape Architect advice.

PODM26: Amenity

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, District Councils, scheme promoters.

Applications refused on amenity grounds.

Policy POSP7: Tranquillity in the Broads

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, District Councils, scheme promoters.

Applications refused on tranquillity grounds.

Lighting schemes in accordance with zone the application is located in.

PODM27: Light pollution and dark skies

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

CPRE, businesses, District Councils, scheme promoters.

Lighting schemes in accordance with zone the application is located in.

POSP8: Accessibility and Transport

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Highways Authority, Highways England

Parking areas provided as part of relevant applications/schemes.
Schemes permitted contrary to Highways Authority advice.
Schemes permitted contrary to Highways England advice.
Changes to the PROW network.
Launch facilities for small craft gained or lost.
Travel Plans produced.

POSP9: Recreational Access around the Broads area

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Highways Authority, Highways England,

PODM28: Transport, highways and access

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Highways Authority, Highways England

PODM29: Recreation Facilities Parking Areas

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Highways Authority, promoters of recreation facilities.

POSP10: A prosperous local economy

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

New Anglia LEP, Economic Development Officers, local business groups.

New employment land.
Employment land lost to other uses.
Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy

PODM30: New Employment Development

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

PODM31: Protecting General Employment

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

PODM32: Farm Diversification

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

POSP11: Waterside sites

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

PODM33: Development on Waterside Sites

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

PODM34 – retail development in the Broads.

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

District Councils.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy and the relevant district council’s policy.

Total amount of retail gaining planning permission.

Loss of retail.

POSP12: Sustainable Tourism

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Tourism operators, businesses.

Tourism development located as set out in policy
Tourism land use
Provision of new holiday accommodation.
Holiday accommodation changed to permanent residential use.

PODM35: Sustainable Tourism and Recreation Development

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

PODM36: Holiday Accommodation – New Provision and Retention

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

POSP13: Navigable Water Space

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Broads Authority, EA

Number/percentage of short stay visitor moorings delivered on site or via off-site contributions in line with part m in policy DM33.
Moorings provided – type and in line with guide.
Riverbank stabilisation provided – type and in line with guide.
Provision for launching of small vessels.
Schemes permitted deemed to have significant impact on navigation.

Materials used for quay heading in line with policy.

PODM37: Access to the Water

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Parish, District and County Councils. Private landowners with routes on their land.

PODM38: Bank stabilisation

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

EA, landowners.

POSP14: Mooring Provision

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Broads Authority, EA

PODM39: Moorings, mooring basins and marinas.

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

EA, businesses, landowners.

PODM40: The impact of replacement quay heading on navigation.

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Broads Authority

PODM41: Materials used for quay heading, capping and waling, small bridges, viewing platforms, landing stagings and boardwalks.

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowners.

POSP15: Residential development

See allocations below. If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing. See residential dwellings allocations for specific milestones.

Developers/promoters/agents, Registered Providers, District Councils (Housing Authority role), landowners.

Number of dwellings delivered.
Development in line with spatial strategy.

Housing delivery against target.

Five-year land supply against housing trajectory.

PODM42: Affordable Housing

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Affordable housing delivered.

PODM43: Residential Development within Defined Development Boundaries

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowners.

Development within development boundaries.

PODM44: Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Developers/promoters/agents, the Travelling Community, representative organisations.

Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show People sites delivered in line with this policy.

PODM45: New Residential Moorings

See allocations below. If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

See residential moorings allocations for specific milestones.

Developers/promoters/agents, Residential Boat Owners Association

Provision of residential moorings in line with this policy.

PODM46: Permanent and Temporary Dwellings for Rural Enterprise Workers

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowners.

Rural enterprise dwellings permitted in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

DM47: Elderly and Specialist Needs Housing

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowners.

Elderly and specialist housing delivered in line with this policy.

PODM48: Residential Ancillary Accommodation

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowners.

Residential ancillary accommodation permitted (integral or not integral) in line with this policy.

PODM49: Replacement Dwellings

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowners.

Replacement dwellings permitted in line with this policy

PODM50: Custom/self-build

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Individuals/developers/promoters/agents. Landowners.

Permissions for self-build

Schemes of 100 dwellings or more providing self-build.

POPS16: Strategic Design Policy

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Schemes permitted contrary to design expert, landscape consultant advice.

PODM51: Design

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


PODM52: Source of heating

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Source of heating provided in line with policy.

PODM53: Heat resilient design

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Heat resilience measures provided.

PODM54: Non-residential development and BREEAM

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Schemes meeting BREEAM standard.

PODM55: Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points – fire safety, design, location, and lighting.

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


EV points provided in line with policy.

PODM56: Fibre to the Premises

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Developments with fibre to premises.

POSP17: New Community Facilities

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Strategic Policies relevant to Neighbourhood Plans.

None identified/ongoing

Parish Councils.

Visitor and community services and facilities delivered in accordance with this policy.

PODM57: Visitor and Community Facilities and Services

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

DM58: Designing Places for Healthy Lives

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Norfolk/Suffolk County Council Healthy Places Team

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

Checklists – small sites.

Checklists – large sites.

PODM59: Planning Obligations and Developer Contributions

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

As required

Various, depending on consideration. Scheme promoters and County Council.

Developer Contributions monitoring statement – by the Broads Authority as well as Norfolk and Suffolk County Council.

RAMS mitigation.

PODM60: Advertisements and Signs

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing


Adverts and signs permitted in accordance with policy

PODM61: Re-use, conversion or change of use of buildings

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Owners of building.

Buildings converted and final use.

PODM62: Leisure plots and mooring plots

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Plot owners/users and those who moor their boats there.

Mooring and leisure plots provided in line with this policy.

POACL1: Acle Cemetery Extension

Allocation in Local Plan. Water monitoring in line with EA guidance. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Acle Parish Council, EA, landowner.

Cemetery delivered as per policy.

POACL2: Acle Playing Field Extension

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site. Note that site has planning permission.

None identified/ongoing

Acle Parish Council, landowner.

Sports field delivered as per policy

POBRU1: Riverside chalets and mooring plots

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Those who moor their boats here.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POBRU2: Riverside Estate Boatyards, etc., including land adjacent to railway line

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing


Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POBRU3: Mooring Plots

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Those who moor their boats here

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POBRU4: Brundall Marina

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing


Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POBRU5: Land east of the White Heron public house

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Owner of site

Open space lost/negatively affected by development.

POBRU6: Brundall Gardens

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site.

Delivered within 5 years of adoption of policy.

Businesses, those who moor their boats here.

Residential moorings provided as per policy.

POCAN1: Cantley Sugar Factory

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

British Sugar

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POCHE1: Greenway Marine Residential Moorings

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site.

Delivered within 5 years of adoption of policy.

Those who moor their boats here.

Residential moorings provided as per policy.

PODIL1: Dilham Marina (Tyler’s Cut Moorings)

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Those who moor their boats here.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

PODIT1: Maltings Meadow Sports Ground, Ditchingham

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Sports club

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

PODIT2: Ditchingham Maltings Open Space, Habitat Area and Alma Beck

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Management Company, residents, IDB

Habitat area/open space/Beck lost/negatively affected by development.

POFLE1: Broadland Sports Club

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Sports club

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POGIL1 Gillingham residential moorings (H. E. Hipperson's Boatyard)

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site.

Delivered within 5 years of adoption of policy.

Those who moor their boats here.

Residential moorings provided as per policy.

POGTY1: Marina Quays (Port of Yarmouth Marina)

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site. It is hoped that a positive allocation in the Local Plan will prompt appropriate change on this site by the owner.

Delivered within 10 years of adoption of the Local Plan.

EA, Highways Authority

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POHOR1: Car Parking

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Highways Authority

Car parking lost/negatively affected by development.

POHOR2: Horning Open Space (public and private)

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Parish Council, residents, pub

Open space lost/negatively affected by development.

POHOR3: Waterside plots

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Plot owners/users

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Capacity of Horning Water Recycling Centre.

POHOR4: Horning Sailing Club

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Sailing Club

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Capacity of Horning Water Recycling Centre.

POHOR5: Crabbett’s Marsh

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Various interested parties.

Marsh lost/negatively affected by development.

POHOR6: Horning - Boatyards, etc. at Ferry Rd. & Ferry View Rd.

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses. Landowners.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Capacity of Horning Water Recycling Centre.

POHOR7: Woodbastwick Fen moorings

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Those who moor their boats here.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POHOR8: Land on the Corner of Ferry Road, Horning

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses. Landowners.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Capacity of Horning Water Recycling Centre.

POHOV1: Green Infrastructure

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing


Green Infrastructure lost/negatively affected by development.

POHOV2: Station Road car park

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Highways Authority, North Norfolk District Council, landowner.

Car parking lost/negatively affected by development.

POHOV3: Brownfield land off Station Road, Hoveton

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site. It is hoped that a positive allocation in the Local Plan will prompt appropriate change on this site by the owner.

Delivered within 10 years of adoption of policy.

Businesses, North Norfolk District Council.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POHOV4: BeWILDerwood Adventure Park

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Park operator.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POHOV5: Hoveton Town Centre

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, landowners, North Norfolk District Council.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Land use of each unit.

POLOD1: Loddon Marina Residential Moorings.

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site.

Delivered within 5 years of adoption of policy.

Those who moor their boats here.

Residential moorings provided as per policy.

PONOR1: Utilities Site

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site. It is hoped that a positive allocation in the Local Plan will prompt appropriate change on this site by the owner. SPD being produced. Part of East Norwich Regeneration Site.

Start to be delivered within 15 years of adoption of policy.

Norwich City Council, South Norfolk Council, landowners, EA.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Number of houses delivered.

PONOR2: Riverside walk and cycle path

Promoted through the Local Plan. Main mechanism is through planning application submitted by scheme promoter.

None identified/ongoing

Norwich City Council, Broads Authority, EA, landowners.

Delivery of path in line with policy.

POORM1: Ormesby waterworks

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Essex & Suffolk Water

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POOUL1: Boathouse Lane Leisure Plots

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Plot owners/users

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POOUL2: Oulton Broad - Former Pegasus/Hamptons Site

Promoted through the Local Plan. Main mechanism is through planning application submitted by scheme promoter. Note that site has planning permission.

Delivered within five years of adoption of policy.

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowner.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Number of houses delivered.

POOUL3 - Oulton Broad District Shopping Centre

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, East Suffolk Council.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Land use of each unit.

POPHRB1: Bridge Area

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, River Thurne Tenants Association.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POPHRB2: Waterside plots

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Plot owners/users, River Thurne Tenants Association

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POPHRB3: Green Bank Zones

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

River Thurne Tenants Association.

Green Banks lost/negatively affected by development.

POSOL1: Riverside area moorings

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Those who moor their boats here.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POSOM1: Somerleyton Marina Residential Moorings

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site.

Delivered within five years of Local Plan adoption.

Those who moor their boats here. Somerleyton Estate.

Residential moorings provided as per policy.

POSTA1: Land at Stalham Staithe (Richardson’s Boatyard)

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

Allocation in Local Plan. Planning Application then subsequent delivery on site.

Residential moorings delivered within five years of Local Plan adoption.

Businesses. Landowner.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

Residential moorings provided as per policy.

POSTO1 Land adjacent to Tiedam, Stokesby

Promoted through the Local Plan. Main mechanism is through planning application submitted by scheme promoter. Has planning permission.

Delivered within five years of Local Plan adoption.

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowner.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Number of houses delivered.

POTSA1: Cary’s Meadow

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Broads Authority (landowner)

Meadow lost/negatively affected by development.

POTSA2: Thorpe Island

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Thorpe St Andrew Town Council, landowners, users of the island, nearby residents.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POTSA3: Griffin Lane – boatyards and industrial area

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses. The Broads Authority.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POTSA4: Bungalow Lane – mooring plots and boatyards

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, those who moor their boats here.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POTSA5: River Green Open Space

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

Thorpe St Andrew Town Council

Open space lost/negatively affected by development.

POTHU1: Tourism development at Hedera House, Thurne

Promoted through the Local Plan. Main mechanism is through planning application submitted by scheme promoter. Has planning permission.

Delivered within five years of Local Plan adoption.

Developers/promoters/agents. Landowner.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.
Number of houses delivered.

POWHI1: Whitlingham Country Park

Protected through the Local Plan. Various organisations deliver activities at the Park.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, Whitlingham Charitable Estate, Crown Point Estate. The Broads Authority.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POWHI2: Land at Whitlingham Lane

Changes to come forward as planning applications in line with policy with subsequent delivery on site.

None identified/ongoing

Crown Point Estate.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POSSTRI: Trinity Broads

Protected through the Local Plan. Water quality protected for water abstraction so limited use by motorised vessels.

None identified/ongoing

Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Parish Councils, businesses, sailing clubs, Essex & Suffolk Water, Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POSSUT: Upper Thurne

Protected through the Local Plan. The main mechanism that ensures tranquillity is the limited air draught of the Potter Heigham Bridge which is a Scheduled Monument.

None identified/ongoing

Businesses, Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POSSPUBS: Pubs Network

Protected through the Local Plan. Improvements carried out as needed by operator/owner.

None identified/ongoing

CAMRA, pub operators

Improvements to pubs in line with policy.
Pubs lost from public house land use.

POSSROADS: Main road network

Protected through the Local Plan. Improvements carried out as needed by or under the guidance of the Highways Authority or Highways England.

None identified/ongoing

Highways Authority, Highways England

Schemes permitted contrary to Highways advice.

SSTRACKS: Former rail trackways

Safeguarded through the Local Plan in order to be delivered by another body in future. No scheme worked up at the time of writing.

None identified/ongoing

County Councils.

Recreation routes delivered on these schemes.
Development that encroaches onto these trackways.

POSSSTATIONS: Railway stations/halts

Protected through the Local Plan. Improvements carried out as needed by operator/owner.

None identified/ongoing

Network Rail, Rail Operators

Improvements to stations in line with policy.
Stations lost to other uses.


If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application.

None identified/ongoing

Parish Councils

Staithes lost/negatively affected by development.


Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

North Norfolk, District Council, Environment Agency.

Planning applications in accordance (or otherwise) with this policy.

POSSMILLS: Drainage Mills

Protected through the Local Plan. Changes delivered by landowners.

None identified/ongoing other than the specific timelines for those identified in the HLF funding bid.

Historic England, EA, owners of Mills.

Mills brought back into use. Changes to mills in line with this policy.

POSSLGS: Local Green Space

Protected through the Local Plan.

None identified/ongoing

People who nominated sites. Landowners.

Local Green Spaces lost/negatively affected by development.

POSSA47: Road schemes on the Acle Straight (A47T)

If appropriate to a scheme, policy used to help determine application. Note that the Broads Authority is not likely to determine the scheme as it might be classed as an NSIP but this policy will be of relevance.

None identified/ongoing although some safety measures could be in place by 2030.

Highways Authority, Highways England

Changes to A47 in line with this policy.