Thatched Marshman's Cottage at How Hill

Brundall Riverside

It is important to be aware that the Brundall Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ in 2016 and is part of the Development Plan and the policies it contains may be of relevance to proposals for this area of Brundall.

Policy POBRU1: Riverside chalets and mooring plots

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  1. The area of riverside chalet and mooring plots will be managed to retain its contribution to the enjoyment and economy of the Broads, and to the river scene.
  2. Further development will be limited by the area’s vulnerability to flooding and the retention of its semi-rural and holiday character.
  3. Permission will not be granted for:
    1. New permanent residential dwellings;
    2. New holiday homes;
    3. The use as permanent dwellings of buildings restricted to holiday or day use;
    4. The use for holiday or permanent occupation of buildings constructed as day huts, boatsheds or temporary buildings; or
    5. The stationing of caravans.
  4. Extensions to existing buildings, and replacement buildings, will be permitted provided that:
    1. The building and use proposed comply with policies for development in areas of flood risk;
    2. The design, scale, materials, and landscaping of the development:
    3. Meet the requirements of the Design Guide[159] (or successor document) and PODM51;
    4. Contributes positively to the semi-rural and holiday character of the area;
    5. Pays appropriate regard to the amenity of nearby occupiers;
    6. Meet requirements of other policies in the Development Plan such as biodiversity enhancements, dark skies, climate change adaptation and resilience, flood risk resilience and energy and water efficiency;
    7. Ensures that the extent of hard surfacing does not dominate the plot and where provided is permeable; and
    8. Provides additional landscape planting where practicable and having regard to navigation interests;
    9. Care is to be taken to avoid over-development of plots, and in particular:
    10. A significant proportion of the plot area (excluding mooring areas) should remain un-built;
    11. Buildings should not occupy the whole width of plots;
    12. Buildings should be kept well back from the river frontage; and
    13. Buildings should be of single storey of modest height. This may limit room heights where floor levels need to be raised to meet flood risk mitigation requirements.
  5. Applications to vary existing occupancy conditions that allow less than 12 months holiday use to allow 12 months holiday use will be permitted as long as the building remains in holiday use only and is not used as the sole or main residence.

Constraints and features

  • Whole area at serious risk of flooding (zones 2 & 3 by EA mapping, zone indicative 3b by SFRA 2017 mapping).
  • Road access is via a railway level crossing, limited in width and alignment, and at risk of flooding.
  • Area is just across river from Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
  • Article 4 Direction (1954) removes all Permitted Development Rights.

Reasoned justification

The chalets make an important contribution to the enjoyment of the Broads and to the local economy. However, the management of incremental development of the Riverside Estate area, including that covered by this policy, has been contentious and problematic since at least the 1950s.

Further development of the area is largely constrained by national flood risk policies, together with landscape and visual amenity considerations. The policy continues to support adaptation and updating of the existing chalets and retain its best features, while avoiding increases in flood risk.

Proposals will need to meet the requirements of policy PODM27, as the Brundall riverside area generally has good dark skies.

The Environment Agency supports the intention to keep buildings back from the river frontage. While ‘well back’ is difficult to define and depends on local circumstances, in general setting the building back by a third of a plot could be appropriate. Being hard up or too close to the water’s edge could enclose the river and be overbearing. Setting of buildings with an undeveloped area in front will also allow architectural interest of buildings to be appreciated.

Reasonable alternative options

No policy

Original policy

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: Original policy: 5 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: Amended policy: 8 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: No policy: 0 positives. 0 negatives. 8 ?

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has been used and applications have been determined in accordance with the policy.

Why has the alternative option been discounted?

Given that the management of incremental development of the Riverside Estate area, including that covered by this policy, has been contentious and problematic since at least the 1950s, a policy is prudent. The amendments highlight the importance of design as well as cross refers to other important policies.

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Policy POBRU2: Riverside Estate Boatyards, etc., including land adjacent to railway line

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  1. In this area, the development and retention of the boatyards and related uses will be supported and Broads Local Plan policies on general employment and boatyards in the economy section will apply.
  2. Full regard will be given to the limitations of the road access, avoidance of potential water pollution, and the risk of flooding to the site.
  3. All proposals are required to meet the requirements of the Design Guide and PODM51.
  4. Proposals are encouraged to:
    1. Include provision for public moorings.
    2. Include provision for appropriate public access to the river to allow the public to appreciate the area.
    3. Include slipways.
  5. The Authority encourages and supports master planning to guide development of larger boatyards in the area.
  6. Proposals will need to meet requirements of other policies in the Development Plan such as biodiversity enhancements, dark skies, climate change adaptation and resilience, flood risk resilience and energy and water efficiency.
  7. Retention of existing, and provision of new or replacement landscape planting, including trees and nectar-mixes, will be encouraged. The type and location of planting should have regard to limiting wind shadow on the river in the interests of sailing.

Constraints and features

  • Whole area at serious risk of flooding (zones 2 & 3 by EA mapping and zone 2 and indicative 3b by SFRA 2017 mapping).
  • Road access is constrained, especially to the southeastern portion of the area.
  • Area is close to SSSI, SAC, SPA, Ramsar site.
  • Article 4 Direction (southern portion only) (1954) – removes all PD Rights.

Reasoned Justification

The boatyards and associated developments contribute to navigation and to the character, enjoyment, and traditional skills of the Broads. The policy seeks to encourage the retention and adaptation of the existing uses, providing scope for new development including diversification. This will help secure these important uses, while balancing these objectives with the flood risk and infrastructural limitations of the area.

The Environment Agency confirms that boatyard uses are compatible with the flood risk to the site. A small part of the area is outside the higher flood risk zones and potentially less constrained, and the application of national flood risk policy would steer any vulnerable uses to this part of the site. However, any development that relied on this lower risk for acceptability would need to be supported by a site flood risk appraisal and consider the higher flood risk to the surroundings (see section on Dry Islands of the Flood Risk policies), including the road access. The Environment Agency also highlights the need to address the risks of water pollution for waterside sites in industrial/boatyard use.

A measure of appropriate planting within the constraints of the business use of the site will help soften the visual impact of the buildings and boats on the local landscape, and strengthen the biodiversity of the Broads, within the constraints of the business use of the site.

Norfolk County Council as Highways Authority has indicated that because of the access constraints (the road and level crossing) they would not support residential moorings at this site.

The policy encourages greater public access to appreciate the river scene. It also seeks more public moorings and more slipways to access the water.

Larger operators are encouraged to undertake master planning to help plan future changes to sites.

Proposals will need to meet the requirements of policy PODM27 as the Brundall Riverside area generally has good dark skies.

Reasonable alternative options

No policy

Original policy

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: Original policy: 9 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: Amended policy: 11 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: No policy: 0 positives. 0 negatives. 11 ?

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has not been used.

Why has the alternative option been discounted?

The boatyards and associated developments contribute to navigation and to the character, enjoyment, and traditional skills of the Broads and therefore a policy is prudent. The amendments cross refer to other important relevant policies and seeks improved public access to the area.

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Policy POBRU3: Brundall Mooring Plots

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  • The continued use of this area for mooring of boats and uses incidental to that activity will be supported, and the generally open character of the area retained.
  • The defined area will be kept generally free of buildings and above ground structures. Provision of unobtrusive moorings, steps, ramps, and small-scale storage lockers, for use incidental to the enjoyment of the moorings, will be permitted.
  • The provision and maintenance of additional shrub or tree planting will be encouraged, having regard to limiting wind shadow on the river in the interests of sailing.
  • The permanent or seasonal occupation of the land with vehicles, boats, etc., or the stationing of caravans, will not be permitted.
  • Particular attention will be given to any lighting proposals, in line with policy PODM27.

Constraints and features

  • The area is at serious risk of flooding (zone 3 by EA mapping; wholly in zone indicative 3b by SFRA 2017 mapping).
  • Road access is constrained.
  • Area is close to SSSI, SAC, SPA, Ramsar site.
  • Article 4 direction covers Part 4 temporary buildings and uses and Part 5 Class C use of land by members of certain recreational organisations.
  • Dark skies zone 2.

Reasoned Justification

The management of incremental development of the Riverside Estate area, including that covered by this policy, has been an issue since at least the 1950s. This part of the riverside area remains largely open and free of buildings and structures. The policy seeks to retain this openness and balance with the more developed parts of the riverside, and the contribution this makes to the character of the wider area, while continuing the mooring uses that support the local economy and the enjoyment and navigation of the Broads.

Use of the area for moorings, and the presumption against permanent or seasonal occupation and the stationing of caravans, is supported by the Environment Agency on flood risk grounds.

Applicants are directed to the Authority’s adopted Mooring Design Guidance[160] .

The area is in dark skies zone 2 and so policy PODM27 is of relevance.

Reasonable alternative options

The original policy, with no amendments.

No policy

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: Keep original policy: 3 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: Preferred Option - amend policy: 4 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

C: No policy: 0 positives. 0 negatives. 4 ?

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has not been used.

Why have the alternative options been discounted?

The amendments to the original policy fundamentally reinforce the importance of dark skies and reflect that this is mentioned in the supporting text, but not the policy.

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Policy POBRU4: Brundall Marina

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  1. In this area:
    1. The development and retention of marina, boatyard and related uses will be supported; and
    2. Broads Local Plan policies on general employment and boatyards in the economy section will apply.
  2. To retain the openness of the southern majority of the area (where vessels are moored), the development of buildings and large structures will be generally restricted to the northern portion of the site (where existing buildings are located), except where a specific locational need is demonstrated, and the scale and design of the proposal are compatible with this objective.
  3. The provision of an appropriate number of visitor moorings would be welcomed.
  4. In assessing development proposals full regard will be given to:
    1. The flood risk;
    2. The limitations of the road access;
    3. Management of risks of water pollution;
    4. Light pollution and dark skies (see policy PODM27);
    5. Increasing the amount of trees and other planting on the site (with due regard to avoiding creating wind obstruction near the riverside which might affect the sailing on the river); and
    6. Providing permeable surfaces and controlled drainage.

Constraints and features

  • The area is at serious risk of flooding (zones 1, 2 & 3 by EA mapping; almost wholly in zone indicative 3b by SFRA 2017 mapping).
  • Road access is limited.
  • Area is close to SSSI, SAC, SPA, Ramsar site.
  • Potential archaeological interest.
  • An Article 4 Direction removes all PD Rights in the area.
  • Dark sky zone 2.

Reasoned Justification

The marina is an important resource for enjoyment and navigation of the Broads and contributes to the local economy and the retention of marine skills in the area. The policy seeks to encourage its retention and future development, while protecting and enhancing the best qualities of the area, within the constraints of the flood risk to the area.

The Environment Agency confirms that the uses supported by the policy accord with national flood risk policy. The EA also highlights the need to address the risks of water pollution for waterside sites in industrial/boatyard use.

Norfolk County Council as Highways Authority has indicated that because of the access constraints (the road and level crossing) they would not support residential moorings at this site.

Proposals will need to meet the requirements of policy DM22 as the Brundall Riverside area generally has good dark skies.

Reasonable alternative options

The original policy, with no amendments.

No policy

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: Keep original policy: 6 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

B: Preferred Option - amend policy: 6 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

C: No policy: 0 positives. 0 negatives. 6 ?

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has not been used.

Why have the alternative options been discounted?

The amendments to the original policy fundamentally reinforce the importance of dark skies and reflect that this is mentioned in the supporting text, but not the policy.

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Policy POBRU5: Land east of the White Heron Public House

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  • This land will be kept generally free of built development to help conserve its trees and contribution to the visual amenity and biodiversity of the area, provide a wildlife corridor between the Natura 2000 site to the east and the river to the west, and reflect flood risk to the area and retain flood capacity.

Constraints and features

  • Flood risk (site includes zones 1, 2, & indicative 3b by SFRA 2017 mapping; and zones 1, 2, & 3 by EA mapping).
  • Adjacent SAC, SPA, SSSI, Ramsar site.
  • Archaeological interest (brick kiln).
  • Tree Preservation Order.
  • Near to railway station

Reasoned Justification

This policy continues the long-term protection of this valuable semi-natural green area, providing a backdrop to the Riverside area, separation from the housing and other development to the north of the railway line, and a link with the marshland to the east, which has multiple national and international environmental designations.

The avoidance of built development of the area is supported by the Environment Agency on the grounds of flood risk.

Reasonable alternative options

No policy

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

B: Preferred Option: 3 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall, positive.

A: No policy: 0 positives. 0 negatives. 3 ?

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has not been used.

Why have the alternative options been discounted?

An important area, worthy of having its own policy.

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Policy POBRU6: Brundall Gardens Marina Residential Moorings

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Large Marina

  • Proposals for up to a maximum of six residential moorings will be supported in the area marked on the policies map (subject to the criteria listed below).

Smaller Marina

  • Proposals for up to a maximum of two residential moorings will be supported in the area marked on the policies map (subject to the criteria listed below.

For both sites

  1. It needs to be satisfactorily demonstrated that the proposals for residential moorings would not compromise existing business on the sites and that the proposals for residential moorings meet the criteria in the Broads Local Plan policies on general employment and boatyards.
  2. Applicants will need to demonstrate access rights for continued use of the bridge over the railway and Laurel Drive and West End Avenue to satisfaction of the Local Highways Authority.
  3. Road access improvements in terms of visibility and access width would need to be a consideration to taking development forward.
  4. It needs to be satisfactorily demonstrated that the proposal would meet the criteria in the Policy PODM45 (New Residential Moorings) which will apply;
  5. Proposals must ensure no adverse effects on trees, water quality and the conservation objectives and qualifying features of the nearby SAC, SPA , SSSI (site is within SSSI Impact Zone);
  6. Cabinets and storage of any kind for those living on the boats, if required, will be kept to a minimum and sensitively designed and appropriately located;
  7. The scheme must take particular care relating to lighting in line with PODM27(Light Pollution and Dark Skies);
  8. An assessment of the foul sewerage network to demonstrate that capacity is available or can be made available in time to serve the development;
  9. Conditions will be used to restrict the number, scale and size of boats using the residential moorings in order to protect navigation and control the visual appearance;
  10. Project Level Habitats Regulation Assessments will be needed to assess implications on sensitive Habitat Sites. Measures to mitigate for the recreation effects of new growth will be required (through the GI RAMS tariff or equivalent mitigation), so too will measures to mitigate nutrient enrichment (nutrient neutrality); and
  11. A management plan for the site and a register of those who live on boats will be required and will be covered by a planning condition imposed on any planning permission granted.

Constraints and features

  • The area is just across the river from Site of Special Scientific Interest. Yare Broads and Marshes SSSI is a component SSSI of Broadland SPA and Ramsar site and The Broads SAC
  • Brundall Gardens Railway Station next to Marinas
  • Area in flood zone 3 (EA) and indicative 3b (SFRA 2017).
  • Area of good dark skies
  • The site is in the Norfolk RAMs area.
  • The site is in scope in relation to Nutrient Enrichment.

Reasoned Justification

The Authority would support up to six of the moorings at the large marina and two at the small marina being converted to residential moorings. The benefits of a regular income as well as passive security which residential moorings can bring are acknowledged. However, in accordance with Broads Local Plan Policies on general Employment and boatyards in the economy section, conversion of an entire business to residential moorings would not be supported. The site promoter has indicated that the residential moorings could be delivered immediately following adoption of the Local Plan – therefore a date of 2027 is assumed.

These sites have good access by foot to everyday services and facilities provided in Brundall (such as a supermarket, pharmacy, school, and post office). Bus stops and railway stations to wider destinations are also within walking distance of these areas.

Proposals will also need to show that there are adequate facilities for water supply, electricity, and pump out for example.

The railway bridge, Laurel Drive and West End Avenue are not public highway. Applicants will need to demonstrate as part of any application that the users of the residential moorings are able to use the bridge and roads to access central Brundall.

The provision of residential moorings here could increase pressure for an increase in lighting; however, the impact of artificial light on local amenity, intrinsically dark landscapes, and nature conservation should be minimised as the Brundall area is an area of good dark skies – see policy PODM27.

The scheme will need to mitigate recreation impacts, and this is most easily done through paying the GI RAMS tariff. The scheme will need to mitigate nutrient enrichment as well.

The highway access to Postwick Lane, whilst altered in recent years, has restricted visibility due to an adjacent tree. Given the allocation proposed, there would be a material increase in traffic movements through the access and this could give rise to conditions detrimental to highway safety. As part of any application/scheme, the concerns of the Highways Authority will need to be addressed.

In terms of the provision of storage and cabinets, these should be located and designed to fit in with the character of the boatyard. It may be the case that being next to the waterway for example, is not the appropriate location, but they may be better located nearer to the boatyard buildings. Any such provision will be kept to the minimum needed.

The Broads Authority has adopted a residential moorings guide which will be of relevance to this scheme.

HSE Safety in docks ACOP ( is applicable to Marinas and will set out the minimum standards expected in relation to the safety provision.

Reasonable alternative options

  • An alternative option would be to keep the original policy (other than amending text to add reference to the additional two residential moorings to be allocated, GI RAMS and Nutrient Neutrality) and not mention the other various proposed new criteria.

Another option would be to not have a policy and not allocate the site, but this site was allocated in the 2019 Local Plan for the Broads and is deemed favourable in the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and so not to allocated is not seen as a reasonable alternative.

Sustainability appraisal summary

The following is a summary of the assessment of the policy and alternative(s).

A: keep the original policy (other than amending text to add reference to the additional residential moorings to be allocated, GI RAMS and Nutrient Neutrality): 4 positives. 0 negatives. 0 ? Overall positive

B: Preferred Option - amend policy to improve reference to other important criteria, similar to other residential moorings policies (and add reference to GI RAMS, nutrient neutrality and additional residential moorings to be allocated): 8 positives. 0negatives. 0 ? Overall positive

How has the existing policy been used since adoption in May 2019?

According to recent Annual Monitoring Reports, the policy has not been used.

Why has the alternative option been discounted?

Adding text include in other policies for residential moorings is favoured for consistency. The additional residential moorings at this site are deemed acceptable subject to the HELAA. Referring to the Highways considerations will address concerns regarding non-car access to Brundall. The stronger wording relating to light pollution is favoured when compared to the original to ensure the dark skies of the Broads are protected in this edge of settlement location. The other changes relating to GI RAMS and nutrient neutrality are factual. The amendments relating to residential mooring are consistent with other residential moorings policies.

  • [159] Being finalised at the time of writing.

  • [160] Mooring Design Guidance